Why have a two basket air fryer? The neat thing is that you can cook different foods, with different settings, all at once!
Why These
Our reasons for using or choosing certain ingredients, tools and other parts of our recipes.
Why Use Sea Salt?
Why use sea salt so that you can have a good reference of its benefits and why we use it in so many of our recipes.
Why Use Avocado Oil?
Why use avocado oil so that you can have a good reference of why it becoming mainstream and why we use it in so many of our recipes.
Why Are Veggies Good For You?
Why are veggies good for you for a solid reference of why they are known as healthy and why we use it in so many of our recipes.
Why Use Olive Oil?
Why use olive oil so that you can have a good reference of why it is so widely used and why we use it in so many of our recipes.